
“It is my passion to assist in building the bridge,
between our many multi-dimensional facets,
so that those who come to me for reflections
may feel whole and complete again.
As I know by heart, the integration of our connection to the stars
– for many on our planet today –
contains an essential aspect of that Wholeness.”
ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys and self-reflective exercises. Starting in 2015 with Design4awareness, Wieteke has been inspiring people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality. And above all; to bring these experiences ‘down to earth’ in a practical manner.
Due to her own well integrated and life-long experiences with multidimensional contact, she has been able to offer high-quality interstellar channeling sessions for many groups and thousands of individuals from all over the world. Learn more about Wieteke.
Arjun of the YahYel
As an interstellar channel, Wieteke primarily works with Arjun of the Yahyel.
Arjun functions as a gateway or bridge, to information from the Universe, interstellar cross-connections, parallel lives, guides and (always) the Higher Selves of clients. Learn more about Arjun.
1 on 1 – Skype or Live –
Channeling sessions
Whether it is with common curiosity, a life-question or a repeating dream
“When your heart nudges you, to go and explore in a particular direction, and this idea truly excites you..
When it makes you smile, perhaps even gives you goosebumps…look into these hints.
For your heart, never whispers without reason.
It is calling you – home.”
ET-channeling-sessions | Inner & outer exploration | click for more info
Having a channeling session travels in two directions:
First: in an open dialogue, you will receive unconditionally loving and self-empowering reflections from our star-brothers and sisters on whatever is going on in your life. This information will be custom tailored for your situation, practical and down to earth. You can use this information, if you feel it resonates with you, to explore more of who you are, or wish to be(come).
Secondly: as with any move you make in the direction of something that truly excites you: you show yourself your own devotion to your path. You ‘gift’ yourself with a point of view, that onto itself means expansion, that says; I am OK with ‘stepping out of the box’ and bringing more of this energy into my reality.
In a sense you tell the Universe: “Bring it on! For I am ready!” 🙌
And that energy frequency will be noticed by many, who are on the same wavelength – on Earth and on other dimensional levels. For this is the energy of acceleration, of evolution itself. As we allow ourselves to dive deeper within, we simultaneously reach out further and wider. And so; more surprising synchronicities, more shifts and exciting potentials, can begin to naturally reveal themselves to us.
It is my honor and my heartfelt passion, to facilitate transmissions from the YahYel for anyone.
And to help deepen (y)our personal connection to the stars – in a love based and self-empowering way.
After having worked with Wieteke & Arjun for several years
– in groups and private sessions:
“In every situation the information is clear, therapeutic, and leads to breakthroughs for the recipient. You will not be disappointed!”
Join the Interview with E.D. Members Program
⭐ Enjoy exclusive member-only episodes that have not been shared on GAIA television and become part of an interactive community of like-minded Souls. If you choose to use the affiliate link below to sign up to this program (by clicking the button) – you will be automatically supporting Wieteke’s work 🙏🏼

Wieteke & Arjun
on GAIA television
In 2019 GAIA Television launched the first season of Reuben Langdon‘s increasingly popular interviews with ET-channelers from all over the world called “Interview with E.D.” (Extra Dimensionals).
Click HERE to watch the episode where he interviews Wieteke – and HERE to watch her channel Arjun (recorded in Sedona 2016)
Links and background information
Reuben Langdon is a Los Angeles/Tokyo-based Actor/Film Maker/Truth Seeker
His motion capture Stunt Work & performances have made it to the big screen in Steven Spielberg’s and Peter Jackson’s, The Adventures of Tintin, and as the main stunt double for “Jake Sully” in James Cameron’s Avatar.
In April and May of 2013 he co-produced The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, a historical event that brought together 40 witnesses from 10 different countries to testify in front of 6 former members of U.S. congress on the fact that the world is being engaged by Extraterrestrials. To date it is the most concentrated body of evidence and testimony ever put into one place and one time on the Extraterrestrial subject.
After having had a UFO-sighting himself, his continuous curiosity to learn more about our star-family members inspired Reuben to create the series “Interview with ED“. With this he shared interviews and channeled material from channelers from all over the globe for several years.
He interviewed Wieteke and recorded her channeling Arjun in the late summer of 2016 in Sedona AZ.
All of these interviews will be launched on Gaia starting beginning 2019. Some previews can already be found on the original YouTube channel of “Interview with ED”
Live & Online Group sessions | Channeling Arjun
For our upcoming online events; please
check out the events-page on this website.
Excerpts of group-sessions that were recorded during previous travels all over the globe can be found on our YouTube channel.
You can check out the Facebook-events page
for updates on any upcoming LIVE events.

At this moment in time, Wieteke’s homebase is in The Netherlands. Over the past few years her work has been discovered by many, as more people begin to open up to the idea of channeling, as a means of receiving information. So far, she has been asked 4 times to speak about her work on Dutch national television, yet she always politely declined. She prefers independant platforms, without any commercial aim and where a conversation will be shared exactely the way it was recorded.
One such podcast in The Netherlands, is Radio Gletsjer, with Lunsing and Van Dobben. For anyone speaking Dutch and who wishes to get to know Wieteke and her passion for channeling more deeply – this particular podcast offers a nice introduction.
Starting 2021, Wieteke has been working together with ‘Lichtwerkers Nederland’ – releasing a NEW Arjun-channeling event every single month. In this audio/video library one can find events that dive deeply into many specific topics, such as; Money, Karma, Healing, The New Earth and much more. Each event takes about 1,5 hour – and will focus on 1 topic at a time, thus creating a very specific and high quality series of transmissions – for those who wish to dive even deeper.
Swim with Free Dolphins!
Dolphin Retreats
Join us on an exclusive 1-week Dolphin Retreat, on board of a spacious yacht in the Red sea of Egypt!
On these Dolphin retreats, we invite a select group of participants, to deepen their own inner journey, to amplify and strengthen their tele(m)pathic abilities and much more. Catecean contact is made by free dolphins, on their terms only (no captivity).
Click here to learn more about this epic journey or sign up for our special Dolphin Retreat newsletter in order to be the first to hear on any upcoming editions!
Something to read
Since I was a child, I loved to draw and write. Life in my eyes, shifted on many levels simultaneously. Yet always it was some kind of story. Life can come to us, dressed up as a fairy tale, scientific research or an spiritual exploration, a thickening plot or a rapidly approaching unraveling of mysteries…or a mix of all of the above. Writing in (dream) diaries and using poetry were some of my most beloved ways to self-reflect. And who knows one day: a book.
Up until then; check out these blogs if you like 😉
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Transformation Technique | Shift to a more preferred reality
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Channeling Arjun on the subject of CHEATING
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“The purpose of art, is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers.”
– James Baldwin
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