“There will always be another story to share
Another horizon to move beyond
Another perspective to be found
As such is the nature of Existence”
NL – Sneller reizen dan het licht? Hoe overbruggen ET’s onze wetenschappelijk bekende grenzen?
Opnieuw een co-creatie-blog van Douwe Beerde van Achter de Samenleving (link): Ik heb 5 vragen voorgelegd aan Wieteke en Philip die via hun ET Gids antwoord hebben gegeven om deze vragen. Hierbij deel ik met hun plezier hun reflecties op de gestelde vragen. Inmiddels...
NL – Waarom de ET’s (nog) niet gewoon op aarde landen..
Gedeeld blog van "Achter de Samenleving" (een co-creatie) Douwe Beerda: Net als eerder in de vraag en reflectie sessie met Wieteke Koolhof van Design 4 Awarenss over channelen nu eenzelfde opzet over buitenaardse wezens. Naast Wieteke was ook Philip Fiolet van Beyond...
EN – From Duality versus Non-Duality ~ into The Ultimate Embrace
Intro: this channelling was received as an instant download/ in automatic writing. Writing at full speed it took me about an hour to write it down. Then it took me another few days to get all information organized into an orderly blog. My original questions are...
NL – Vraag en Antwoord over channelen ~ via “Achter de Samenleving”
Op 23 april was Wieteke in Oslo waar ik haar ontmoet heb en ik aanwezig was bij een groepchannelsessie van haar met haar ET gids van de Yahyel. De groepssessie was erg interessant om te ervaren, en na de tijd hebben we ook een boel gesproken. Ik heb Wieteke vervolgens...
Welcome to my blog 🙂 / Welkom op mijn blog
Dear readers, (NL below) On this blog I share: contact experiences, results people have had from their experiences with ET-healing, and direct messages that came forth from channeling the Yahyel in either auto-writing or from group sessions with Q and A. These...
EN – My first contact experiences – part 3 of 3 – The Channelling connection
This is part 3 of my 3-part mini-series blog about my first multidimensional contact experiences. This part covers age 28 and beyond. Opening to healing capacities and cleaning up my physical system; In 2010 I suddenly got challengingly sick (a family genetic thing)....
EN – My first contact experiences ~ part 2 of 3 ~ teens & twenties
This is part two of a trilogy-blog about my personal first-multidimensional-contact experiences. (link to part 1) I left the parental house at a fairly young age and in the story as I had co-created it with my family at that time, these were some turbulent times. I...
EN – My first contact experiences ~ part 1 of 3 ~ Early childhood
Well here it goes! The first 'full power' sharing of my own first-contact experiences : ) Sooo looking forward to share this story with all of you - because yes - it is about time ; ) First of, I'd like to begin by saying that this is my personal story :). I share...
EN – How does channelling ‘work’ ?
So you may have seen some (awesome) video's of Bashar and really be into Abraham Hicks and have read the Seth-material and done a lot more of your own investigation as well - or maybe you are even channelling a (Interstellar or other) guide yourself 😀 But still you...