Dutch events
Monthly Dutch online events
Channeling Arjun & Guided Meditations
For now, this is probably the most in-dept series of Arjun-channelings availabe! Every month we discuss another topic with Arjun on ONE single topic (love, money, sexuality, karma – you name it). Al of these events are set up in co-creation with
View the entire collection of these events HERE on the website of LichtwerkersNederland ❤
NOTE to English speakers: A similar database in English is in the making. Sign up to the newsletter to stay tuned.
this event is currently
‘on hold’
Red Sea – Egypt
Design4awareness Dolphin Retreat
Being part of a group; enjoying channeling sessions with Arjun AND getting to swim with free dolphins for a WHOLE WEEK? How much bliss vibes can you handle? Find out for yourself!
✨ Current status: We do not have any upcoming dates for this event at this time. To stay tuned: please sign up for our special Dolphin-retreat-mailinglist > HERE <
For more information & reservations CLICK HERE
Jan 9 / Apr 9
Live group-channeling met open Q&A
Wieteke will be available for invitations to fascilitate
channeling-events with open Q&A for groups in a LIVE setting
From Jan 9 – 2024 till Feb 17 -> Nosara – Costa Rica
From Feb 17 till March 7th -> Puerto Vallarta – Mexico
From March 7th till April 9th -> Yucathan – Mexico
If you wish to host this event for your community / retreat / yogaschool please reach out to us via the contact form on this website.
Sep 2 to 9 – 2023
Red Sea – Egypt
Design4awareness Dolphin Retreat 2023
Being part of a group; enjoying channeling sessions with Arjun AND getting to swim with free dolphins for a WHOLE WEEK?
How much bliss vibes can you handle?
Find out for yourself!
✨ Current status: (apr.21st) we’ve got no more spots left for this retreat. DO NOT HESITATE to reach out if you wish to be on the participant list for our upcoming retreat(s) in 2024 ✨
For more information & reservations CLICK HERE
SIGN UP for our special Dolphin-retreat-mailinglist > HERE <
This offer was covered by the STO Garant guarantee.
You can find the conditions for this on STO Garant’s website
Nov 6th, 2022
Bandwiths of Perception + Open Q&A
We are in a transformative day and age that – eventually – can lead to an entire Paradigm shift…
But what exactely are the mechanics behind such shifts? How do we – individually and collectively – allow for this type of transitions?
What even defines a Paradigm to begin with and is there a way for us to ‘disconnect from one version’ and ‘connect to another’ more consciously (also in our own private life)?
In this event, Arjun (channeled by Wieteke Koolhof) will spend some time shining a light on these concepts, so that together we can explore the power of our focussed consciousness, from yet another refreshing perspective.
Besides this exploration, there will be plenty of time for your questions in a open Q&A with the assistance of Maartje Lute who will be moderating this Zoom webinar 😉
Ticketlink: – expired –
To stay tuned on our upcoming events / or receive some great discounts: SIGN UP for our newsletter > CLICK HERE <
2 Okt, 2022
Amersfoort – NL
Live ET-channeling met open Q&A
Arjun zal beginnen met een vrije transmissie ( Reading afgestemd op het moment zelf en het aanwezige publiek) – gevolgd door ruime tijd voor het stellen van vragen (Q&A). Including thee en een koekje in de pauze.
Ticketlink: – expired –
Blijf op de hoogte van aanstaande events / ontvang geregeld mooie kortingen: schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief (max 4x per jaar) > KLIK HIER <
SEP 11th, 2022
Individual & Collective Reality + Open Q&A
Many teachers tell us that our state of being creates the reality we observe. But then again; many teachers also tell us, that a certain percentage of people on a high frequency are ‘needed’ to ‘tip the scales’ into a certain direction. Could both of these be true simultaneously? And if so; how does that work exactly?
In this event, Arjun (channeled by Wieteke) will spend some time shining a light on this infinite paradox. Followed by an open Q&A.
Ticketlink: – expired –
To stay tuned on our upcoming events / or receive some great discounts: SIGN UP for our newsletter > CLICK HERE <
July 11th, 2021
Arjun will speak on how the idea of Disclosure is more all-encompassing than we may currently realize and how to play with this.
Ticketlink: – expired –
To stay tuned on our upcoming events / or receive some great discounts: SIGN UP for our newsletter > CLICK HERE <
APRil 17th
Beyond the Fence – Channeling Arjun –
incl Open Q&A
April 17th – 2021 – 8 to 9:45 CET
ZOOM – Online event / Transmission & Open Q&A
Announcement video:
Channeling Arjun – Open Q & A
Below a list of some previous Live-events:
DEC 12th 2020 – Almere – NL
Channeling ARJUN | Open Q and A | PUUR Almere
Feb – March 2020 – Ko Phangan – Thailand
Videoshoots Channeling ARJUN
& YouTube Interview(s) with Vanessa
DEC 15th 2019 – Amsterdam
Channeling ARJUN | Open Q and A | MAHARA holistic Lifestyle
Oct 11th 2019
Channeling ARJUN | Open Q and A | Ibiza/Spain | ETAMANEL
OCT 13th 2019
Channeling ARJUN | Open Q and A | Ibiza/Spain | Open Space
Event Title: Earth Calling
Where will we be next???
Check out the Facebook-events page of Design4awareness for updates
or reach out and invite us / make a suggestion as to where YOU would like to see us next 😀
Where else have we been so far?
Some other PAST EVENTS took place in (among others)
Thailand | Koh Phangan
Guatemala | San Marcos La Laguna
The Netherlands | Amsterdam | Amersfoort | Zutphen | Nijmegen
India | Richikesh | Tiravanamalai | Gokarna
Germany | Wurtzburg | Frankfurt | Berlin
United States | Sedona AZ | San Francisco CA
England | Glastonbury
Norway | Oslo
Ibiza | Spain
INvite us to your country!
Channeling events
Open Q and A sessions | Private sessions on location
host design4awareness for a real-live channeling event in your own country!
Wieteke is always open te receive INVITATIONS to combine travel and work in this way.
“So far, every event with Arjun that I’ve been to; the energies just went through the roof! I couldn’t believe this was even possible until I got to experience it for myself. For days, I continued to feel the flow” (review of an energy worker, present at several group sessions during 2017).
“Arjun to me feels like a playful mix, between Bashar and Abraham Hicks. He has a strong energetic presence and a good sense of humor, yet still manages to ground everything into practical information!” (Review of a visitor on a previous group event in 2017)