Asking questions adds to our ability to learn and evolve.
This page offers some answers on the most
frequently asked questions.
Types of Channeling Sessions (click for details)
1 on 1 Question and Answer with Arjun of the YahYel (30 / 45 / 60 min)
How and What? As the name already reveals, you get to ask your own questions to Arjun. You can just chat away with Arjun and his ‘team’ of Interstellar friends, as easy as if you were speaking with one of your own best friends. To get MOST out of your session we recommend you prepare by making a list of questions beforehand.
How much time will each question take? Generally taken, you could count about 3 to 5 minutes per clear put question – you decide if you’d like to dive deeper into any given subject. Of course if you have only a few questions – you can take them much ‘further’ as when you have 20 and you want to ‘get them all done’. Understand that when you bring up questions about physical challenges, the guides may ask you some questions in return, to get a more complete picture of your situation – also to allow you to become more aware of the intricate connection between certain belief-systems you may hold in your system and the specific type of complaints.
What kind of things can I ask? There are no weird or unfit questions, if nevertheless it happens anyway that the guides choose not to answer any specific question, they will always politely inform you why this cannot be done. In general it is good to understand that all information being given is basically being ‘brought in’ from your own Higher self. My guides regard themselves as translators of that information from ‘there’ to ‘here’ so it can be taken in (remembered – or embraced) on a conscious level and so you can apply it in a rational manner. I always recommend you keep questions ‘to the point’ and to not put too many different subjects in one question. Of course you can always take a moment to explain a certain situation – and then attach a question to it in the end. This way you’ll get more out of your time then when you weren’t sure of your own question just yet.
Can information of my own guides come trough? If there is any information of your own guides, that is relevant for your Highest Good right Here and Now, and it is in alignment for you to receive that trough this particular way – then this can certainly come through. Hybrid Children, Human-, Multi Dimensional, Nature- and/or Interstellar Beings with whom you already have your own (open) Soul agreements, usually automatically step forwards once you stir the conversation into that direction.
Generally: All Question and Answer sessions are including a FREE short relaxing guided heart-meditation in the beginning (+/- 3 minutes). Your “Q and A- time” with Arjun starts after that.
All sessions are including: your own high resolution MP3 recording of your session,
sent to your email address within max 48 hours after your session – by WeTransfer.
Group Sessions / Q and A with Arjun of the YahYel
These group sessions, so far, have been facilitated in the form of an open Q and A (question and answer), where anyone interested can come to ask question to the Yahyel directly. Not only will Arjun and his assisting team answer to the best of their capability, also will they be energetically present for anyone individually who wants to experience these high frequency energies ‘up close’. The only thing needed for that is the heart felt intention of the questioner to have a closer contact with any of the Light beings that are present in such group sessions. These things will be explained before the session begins. They work on invitation only.
I have received responses from people after these sessions, who clearly felt they were being ‘worked on’ while in the room, and who felt big release in physical challenges after the session. Often people feet guided and healed during the conversation when more tender topics are being touched upon in the Q and A. In general a accelerated healing and integration process on many levels is being offered in this space. Many feel uplifted, inspired, happy and energized after attending a group session (whether they asked questions or were just listening in).
The way I start any session right now (Be it individual or group) is trough a heart-meditation, so the full focus of everyone in the room will be on the heart-level (or within the fifth dimensional energy in a sense) so the guides can come trough and get closer to anyone requesting their attention. Sometimes the session also ‘ends’ with a meditation – on the initiative of the Arjun himself, these are special occasions and can be requested by any of the visiting participants. If the Yahyel feel it serves the moment they will gently invite everyone through an (guided meditation). This they may set up as an inner ‘astral journey’ of some kind. The images are picked depending on the location/theme and/or people present. These kind of meditations offer deep inner peace for anyone who wishes to ‘travel along’ in their imagination.When not ‘on the road’
Requests for sessions on location (in the Netherlands or elsewhere) can be send to me personally. I will look into them and reply to you as soon as possible, if I am not travelling in that moment. In case of such requests, already having a place; to host me (when needed) and/or to host the group session itself, is my preferred foundation to built from. Depending on how far away these sessions take place, we can look together at the ‘minimum-donation’ that would be ideal to ask of any participants, that would then cover all expenses included for me, to facilitate this channeling for you all.
Magick on the road: So far these ‘channelings on location’ have been quite an amazing thing to co-create and organize. As I have noticed these trips – to where ever – have always magically turned into a roller-coaster of synchronicity for anyone involved. There was always place enough, food enough, room enough (even if ten more people suddenly wanted to join last minute) and an abundance of high vibes and special experiences for many of the listeners (or questioners) attending. New contacts were being created, people who have felt alone on this path found each other, and the amount of love and laughter being shared was just beyond this world. I am full of trust that any place this work leads me to be at, is a good one.
With love,
Practical Preparation
Q and A with Arjun | Preparation
I advise you to make a list of questions for this session. You can order them from most important to less important for you. If you have only 1 big topic you’d like took at with Arjun, write down the most important aspects of that topic, so you can check your notes during your session – to see whether you touched upon all of them during your conversation with Arjun.
Why? Because I like everyone to get the absolute most out of their session 😉
Especially if you are a more (energy frequency) sensitive person, you may get (positively) affected by the energy frequency of the YahYel, by simply noticing how they energetically connect with you during this kind of interaction. For some people – this bliss-state sometimes already ‘kicks in’ before the channeling has even begun. The energy frequency of the YahYel can effectively help us balance our own, up to the degree where we entirely forget our questions simply because we feel such a deep inner peace and there seems to be ‘no challenge what so ever’ in our lives at that moment. Which is of course great 🙂
Afterwards though, we may feel ourselves ‘sink back’ into our more regular state and suddenly remember our questions – that then are still unanswered. Now, this is of course kind of funny on the one hand – but on the other; if you’d like to make sure that you can relax in the bliss state (might it ‘hit you’ during or before the interaction with Arjun) AND get your answers – just make a list 😉
When is this not for you?
I do not recommend this type of energy-work to people who are using any kind of medication with the sole purpose of balancing the mind or treating any kind of mental illness. This includes all anti-depressants and any other form of psychiatric drugs.
The main reason for this is that most people who are on these kind of drugs, are harder to ‘reach’ energetically for both me and my guides. This makes it more challenging to give a clear and high quality reading. Also, the chances of mis-interpretation of the information shared, on the side of the receiver may increase. Out of my sincere love for this work – I kindly ask people who are using these types of drugs, to find yourself another facilitator or to wait at least 3 weeks to receive a session of this type, until after you have stopped using your medication in a controlled and supervised manner (with the professional assistance of your GP). Thank you so much.
Any kind of energy work is to be considered additional and/or alternative healthcare. You remain responsible for your own choices and actions at all times. In case of serious physical challenges – I recommend you always take into consideration the diagnosis and advice of your general practitioner. Physical tests can be useful, to keep an overview of measurable results. Also I bid you to understand that, just like with any other other practitioner (regular and/or alternative) no guarantees can be made.
My target group are consciously aware people who know they are the creators of their own reality and understand the inter-active part of bringing the pieces together. In the end, you are still the one re-aligning (or healing) yourself. The Yahyel have often stressed, that their main focus is to remind us, and to help inspire or simply accelerate in any way shape or form, our natural ability to do just that 😊
General Questions
Our (fear-free) Covid-policy | For live-visitors
I run a consciously fear-free practice in which I will always aim to respect your wishes and health-preferences to the best of my ability. My priority is for you to feel comfortable during your session, so you will get the most out of it. I mean to be as transparent as possible on this topic; so I decide to list below, what you may (or may not) expect from me in this regard.
What I can offer you | A healthy practice environment
– In order to guarentee over-all high quality channelings; I do not fascilitate any sessions (live or online) when going through any type of dis-ease / or find myself going through (even just) a mental transition that aks for my attention. This way I will always be there 100% for those who have booked a moment of my time.
– Sessions are never booked back-to-back, so there is no rush or hurry (unless perhaps you arrive(d) late yourself 😉).
– All live (private) channeling sessions take place in a special practice room with optimal air-quality.
– The space contains a proffesional air-purifyer (that can be turned on one hour before your session) with a HEPA-filter/ionizer and UV-lamp. At your request – I can also turn on a humidifyer – with a few drops of some organic essencial oils that have proven to be highly effective as an anti-viral agent (ref.) 🌿
– Your ‘social distancing’ wishes (might you have them) can be honored if you wish. The room is large enough to keep a 1,5 meter (6 ft) space during the session.
– If desired – you can use a organic & skin friendly / alcohol free hand sanitizer after arrival or before leaving 🌸
What I cannot offer you:
– I do not wear a mouthmask. I.m.o. the quality of these sessions are (among others) based on the freedom to speak without any type of restriction. I also feel any client needs to be allowed to openly perceive even minute differences in facial expression, as these can make a real difference in the perception of certain nuances in the transmission.
– I have not been injected with the MRNA/Covid vaccin – if this would be a problem for you, I kindly recommend you book an online session. I do however very much enjoy my natural (meaning: broad-spectrum) immunity for Covid. No worries; I do not judge others who may have decided to receive this praticular injection, or MRNA boosters later down the line. This is your personal choice.
– Despite Dutch government dis-recommending it; if you feel you need this, you are very welcome to use the toilet.
I will not go so far as to deprive my fellow humans from such a fundamental need. Obviously the toilet area will have been cleaned with bio-degradable and ecological products before any session.
How you can help me (and others)
– If you experience any complains that might indicate you may have Covid or any other type of contagious flu, please contact me and we will see if we can move your live-session to another date, or turn it into a online session. Not out of fear, because I know there is no way to avoid it – if I’m supposed to catch a flu/cold at any time in my (self created) version of reality anyway 😆 More so because I am not seeking to rush such occasions, so in the meantime; more people can enjoy private sessions with me 😊🙏❤️
Doing your own research | What defines a high quality channeling?
Per definition; the final answer to any question – already lies within you. All absolute Knowingness comes from Source/God first of all – and flows through the layers of existance into our personal awareness in divine timing. Channeling is but one way wherein this information can be reflected back to us / allowed into our consciousness – whilst we are focussed in this physical dimension. Nowadays we find an increasing group of interpretators (channelers) world wide, offering us this service.
I always recommend people to do their own research on the quality of the work of any specific channel. There is a lot of information to be found on the topic of Interstellar Contact. My personal guideline to you – for this investigation, would be to stick to love based information sources, that have proven over time to be consistent.
High quality messages consist of – in essence – the same, over-all positive and self-empowering core-message. Different channels may have different ways to ‘put it into words’ but you will find that in the end; even though they have been sharing insights perhaps even for many decades, they rarely if ever, contradict.
High vibrational messages promote unity and connectedness – they are positive, loving, uplifting, free, respectful of your personal choice, and will never insist of you, to do, or believe, anything that is being communicated with you.
I wish you lots of fun exploring and enjoying this infinite amount of wisdom in a way that feels good to you – whether this be with me and Arjun, or any other channeler and their own specialized connection to a specific being (or energy field / group consciousness). Your heart will surely guide you in the direction that makes most sense for you – at any given moment. 😊
How many people can participate in a session?
- Q and A’s can be done as a 1 – on – 1 – but can also be requested by couples.
- For groups: please look at the group-session-info
Booking a session for another person? Asking for friends / family etc
Sometimes people ask me whether this type of session would perhaps be effective for one of their loved ones, family members or acquaintances / or if they could book it as a ‘surprise’ for them.
Let me get to the point right away: I do not recommend anyone making a session FOR someone else, without them knowing about ‘what it is’ they are actually being given 😉 Nor can I make any ‘predictions’ of ‘how effective’ anything like this would perhaps be for a third party (as sometimes people ask me this). Any kind of ‘successes’ booked with these kind of sessions in the ‘past’ – were always in alignment with the willingness of a person to receive the information given and their enthusiasm to actively participate in their own self-healing.
It is my passion to attract people who have made the conscious decision to work with me (and the team of ET’s and other Extra Dimensional beings that may be present in any 1-on-1 channeling session for them) out of their own unique attraction to this route of sharing information/reflections to benefit their inner growth.
What you CAN do however, is tell your friend(s) or family about how YOU feel about my work and introduce them to it by showing them a video (Link to my You Tube channel) or sending them a link to this website so they can tune into the material on their own and make their own independent decision.
If they do not feel the ‘click’ that you do – please honor their free will and let it be / do not book a session for them.
If they DO feel the click and have given you their personal consent to book a session for them; you can do so by picking a spot in the online agenda; and then ask them if that time is OK with them as well (don’t forget to check for time differences -> You will always see the agenda in the timezone YOU are in – so if your friend is in another state or country, they may have to calculate for themselves if the time you are suggesting, also works for them). If the time and day are OK with them – all you have to do is book the session as you normally would – but enter THEIR e-mail, and THEIR Skype name (and the e-mail address to which their Skype-account is connected to) instead of your own. Once you are send to PayPal you should be ble to pay from your own account.
Lastly: Please add to the ‘personal message’ box in the reservation that you are making this session for another as a gift (mention both your names please) and leave your own email there as well – so I can reach you if needed 😉
Your friend (who’s e-mail you entered to make the reservation) will then automatically receive the reservation-confirmation in their e-mail in-box (you can check with them afterwards) including preparational instruction & they will receive a automatic reminder for their session once more one day before 🙂
Is a Skype session just as 'powerful' as a Live session?
A Skype session energetically works exactly the same as a live session. Arjun and his team easily surpass our limited ideas of time and space. They have a full understanding of our physical world and how it works (or how we all together, ‘bring it into being’). They know how to bridge me and my clients no matter where we are.
Just like in a live session – you will be able to have a ‘live’ dialogue with Arjun. Also you can experience the same sensations anyone may have in a live session. Additionally you can look at the references from people who have already had Skype sessions, to get a impression (keeping in mind that all sessions are unique). All sessions (Q and A / Group Q and A) can facilitated either trough Skype or as a Life experience.
Practically; as soon as you book your Skype session via the booking page – together with your booking confirmation – you will receive a check list, that lets you know how you can prepare at home for your session.
Are sessions in English or Dutch?
What is ET-channeling?
This is true for our DNA-make-up (but I won’t go into all that here right now) – this is also true when we think of our energetic codes, our Light- or Soul Connection. Now as I’ve come to understand after working with my Interstellar guides for many years, we are all our own individual extension of a Soul, that can be seen as our first energetic link to the Source, or God or All That Is (whatever you wish to call it). Trough our Soul – we can raise our awareness ‘up’ – to the level of the Over-soul; this can be seen as a HUB or collective of Souls. It is on that level that other Souls, of lives on other planets and in other universes connect with us, and can be tapped into (or cross connected to) by our conscious individual (as we experience it) ‘Persona-Mind’ in the Here and Now. This is in short what ET-channeling is: creating a cross-connection trough the Soul/Over-Soul, with other parts of our self, that have always been there – but exists out of our current planet or even Solar system. This kind of energetic (re)connection can be strongly experienced as ‘coming home’ and leave us with a much more complete understanding of the Self, and a deep sense of inner peace.
Why did we not experience this kind of contact before?
We have experienced contact with our ET-family in the past, sometimes even on a wide scale. But most of this in our current society has been shuffled aside throughout history (‘history’ as it is known by / and shared with the majority of people, at this point). Another major reason is that most of the beings, whom we can call our Interstellar counter-parts, exist in different dimensions (on other ‘wavelengths’), which is why most of us have not been much aware of them for so long. Among many other things, this also had to do a lot with the density of our reality and the collective agreement (on Higher level) of humanity as to what it wanted to explore first. Now this is changing quite rapidly at the moment.
Why now?
With the current ‘awakening’ as it is unfolding on Earth at this time, more and more people are beginning to reconnect with these other parts of themselves. This usually starts on an sub-conscious level (dreaming about other worlds or having sudden insights that seem ‘from another life’ for instance) but usually comes to the forefront more obvious over time (feeling ‘homesick’ to this other world, reacting emotionally even to the name or description of an Interstellar race, or having clear and bright visions or even direct contact with your Interstellar ‘family’ at some point in your life). With this Awakening, our linear timeline-experience starts to ‘loosen up’ and more information from both (what we call) ‘past’ and ‘future’ lives can now be accessed by more people, much easier. Also this information can be integrated much easier and can be used in our daily lives practically, to enrich our chosen human live-forms in this current incarnation, adding a much deeper understanding of ‘the bigger picture’.
From channeling information to ‘becoming’ it.
As I’ve come to understand it; we may still use the idea of a ‘channeling state’ now – but will eventually completely merge with the full understanding and Knowing of all aspects that we are. Until then, as we are all for ourselves, gathering the puzzle pieces – channeling individual parts, or visiting a channel who facilitates that – can be a great way to gain more clarity and some helpful reflections to assist us on our own journey to a more conscious experience of wholeness. Remember; this information does not ‘belong’ to anyone – it is ours and yours already. We are just remembering together – and on that path everyone is each other’s teacher. I feel honored in all occasions to be of assistance in anyone’s path to more completeness when I channel for them (reflections of their own Higher Self). Our mutual journey – as experienced during a channeling – also reflects things back to me, to learn and grown from in my own awareness of All That Is. And for that I thank you.
Who are they?
As you may know – my ‘closest’ guide is a male of the hybrid race we’ve come to know as the YahYel. In their world they do not use names – yet for the sake of (our) convenience, after working together for some time – he suggested a name to me, so I could refer to him towards others. This name was Arjun.
Arjun is a 5th dimensional contact expert (in cooperation with the Pleiades/Shakani/Sirius/Mantid beings and many others) who offers reflections of love and inspiration to those who resonate with this route of information and wish to follow their heart, transform their fears and expand their consciousness.
Arjun (on your request) connects with your Higher Self level and translates this ‘back’ to me – so I can verbalize it for you. Any relevant guides or Multi Dimensional connections relevant for you – will also be accessible in that state. (In other words; you can always ask about your own personal guides).
Other beings that may join in an Interstellar channeling Some names of star systems who’s inhabitants have chosen to contact us with the offer of guidance that you may have heard before are: Arcturian, Andromeda, Sirius, Sassani (or Shakani), Pleiadian, The YahYel, The Sha-Yel, Orion and many others. The Interstellar organisation responsible for the interactions we are having here in these channelings – as well as my personal guide (who’s origin is YahYel) are composed out of Extraterrestrials Beings from 5th dimension and up (to 9th – where we are looking at angelic energy’s). They all originate from love-based societies or non-physical collectives, that have progressed far beyond our own. Some refer to themselves as physical but may have other then humanoid appearances. And some no longer need a physical vessle and are perceived as pure light. Many of them have had (what we understand to be) ‘past incarnations’ (so actually: Parallel lives) on Earth. This is why our closest Interstellar guides, often are – a ‘future version’ of ourselves / meaning they share the same Over Soul as we do. Since “Time” does not exist really – they can visit us in any Here and now.
The beings I work with, do not just focus on our physical bodies, they take our whole being into account, including our emotional, mental and spiritual state. They also take our parallel lives (commonly understood by us as being ‘past’ or ‘future’ lives) and ‘live-theme’ into account during your session. These Extra Terrestrials are very loving, and deeply respect the free will of each individual on Earth and Beyond.
Why do they offer assistance to humanity?
The Extraterrestrials whom I work with, all deeply understand the Universal Law that states “What you put out is what you get back”. This motivates them (without insistence) to offer assistance and inspiration to those societies that may be able to use it – such as our own – because they know; if they help us – the entire Universe benefits from these ‘Good Vibes’. Simply put; Any being that ‘heals’ – or better said – that comes (back) into alignment with its true nature (of health and well-being) is a benefit to The Whole. By example; when for instance, your liver has a defect, you understand that this will influence your entire system. When the liver heals, the entire body can flourish again.
Planet Earth is momentarily going through a huge shift, climbing up the vibrational ladder so to speak. Many ‘wise souls’ have chosen to incarnate in this time and age to assist the Earth and it’s inhabitants in this process – the Extraterrestrials are compassionately involved to support us in this mission as much as they can – as the benefits of our ‘mass ascension’ will radiate a long way and will have deep positive impact to the whole. They are excited to be a part of the incredible story, that we are currently involved in co-creating, here on Earth.
Can we see or hear them?
Most humans can not (yet) see the Extra Terrestrials in this stage of their evolution. The number is growing though, more and more awakened people are able to see them or sense them, and communicate with them as part of their spiritual development and ascension to the 5th dimension. For most of us though still they cannot be seen with (just) our physical eyes. The Interstellar team works completely from these higher dimensions as they interact with us. We can feel this interaction on the subtle layers (for some a lot more tangible then for others) of our own higher dimensional self – the part we now call our ‘energy-body’.
There are many Extra Terrestrials that deliberately chose themselves and/or their crafts to be (at least temporarily) visible to some of us (when on the same wavelength) – causing the increasing number of ‘UFO-sightings’ world-wide. These ET’s come from many different galaxies, some known to man, some not discovered yet.
Their communication is not done through the kind of verbal sounds that we recognize as words and receive with our physical ears. They communicate telepathically (or Telempathic) using a heart connection – in that same manner they can also connect to our hearts and/or subconscious mind. Next, the info gets received by the conscious mind so a trained channeler can ‘translate’ the received thoughts into words.
It does happen now and then though – that the client or channel hears a super high pitch sound all the way trough a session. As the frequency of these Light Beings is so high – it may cause this harmless ‘side effect’ in more sensitive people as they basically ‘catch’ the shift in frequency around them – which can translate to us as a short term tinnitus-like sound.
What kind of feelings do people experience during/after a session?
All kinds of emotions can be experienced – though of course it may be different for anyone. Some start crying just as soon as we begin when they feel the energies, feeling like they’ve ‘come home’ in a way. Others start laughing or just get very dreamy and quiet. No exact prediction can be made, but one thing is sure; a session can be a lot of fun, as the ET’s whom I’m working with – are known for their good sense of humor. Also a session can be a moving experience as they may touch upon things that have been weighing you down – but are now ready to release. It can also be a very nourishing experience as they offer self-empowering thoughts to guide you through challenges in your live with unbreakable faith in whoever you are. They adore your uniqueness and your strength as a human being. It is simply beautiful to just have that part in ourselves touched upon and to get a sense of what (our) true (nature of) unconditional love feels like.
What are the most common feelings after the session is over?
So far everyone felt deeply relaxed or happy and energized afterwards. The personal process of what has been touched upon in the session (theme’s – topics) continues after the session is over. If deep energetic shifts have been made – you may want to catch some extra sleep especially in the first night after the session. This is why it is always wise to keep your session-day as free as possible, so you can relax some more afterwards when needed. You may experience an emotional release or an intensifying of the results over the following days or weeks after the session, as changes are gradually integrating into your system. While the shared information ‘sinks in deeper’ it will allow you to start applying the new insights into your live and truly start to experience the long-term effects.
What do 'disease' and 'healing' mean according to the ET's?
The ideas of ‘disease’ and ‘healing’ as we know it – are looked upon differently by the ET’s.
This explanation is best given by the YahYel and team:
“In your society, most of you were raised to suppress and discard, to not look at and avoid, many of your valuable emotions. This suppressing and ignoring in time often ends up in some kind of emotional, physical or mental dis-ease.
Like a child, crying after falling on the ground – but laughing again in seconds after its mother has picked it up to tickle it or give it back its favorite toy; you were designed to be open channels for your emotions, so you could feel them, see them and then chose which one of these you would like to follow to base your next (re)action upon. All of you have this ability, all of you are these open channels by nature.
In the forgetting of your true nature – the body ‘holds on’ to trauma/challenges because the mind does not know what to do with them. It no longer recognizes the emotions, triggered by these situations, as ‘part of the whole’. Instead, it starts to label the situation negatively and identify these emotions as ‘intruders’ – this is what causes the (cover-up) feeling of ‘resistance’. When suppressed long enough this resistance (and whatever deeper emotions are hiding behind it) eventually manifests into 3D and will express itself in the physical symptoms of a dis-ease. We observe this without judgement – it is a logical result of exploring the idea of ‘separation’ as you have for a while now on your planet. You are now awakening to your Oneness and coming back into (or longing back for) your natural alignment.
Our idea of healing, differs from that – what is currently considered ‘healing’ (often merely suppressing symptoms) in your regular healthcare. For us ‘healing’ is what automatically happens when any being comes into alignment with their highest, most natural state of being. In this state there is no resistance and all emotions are free to come and go. So in a sense, there is no such thing as ‘healing’ – there is only either ‘being in alignment’ or ‘not being in alignment’ with the Higher Self. To us, a dis-ease or dis balance is nothing but the natural way for the universe to ‘point out’ that something is out of balance and needs to be looked at closer. After being seen and understood – it can be ‘let go of’. Then the cells / the energetically disrupted area, can effortlessly reflect its original healthy state back to you.
Any dis balance you may experience at this time, holds its own message and gift for all of you. ‘Healing’ or re-alignment, could not take place without you ‘receiving’ or understanding this gift (on a deeper level – this does not always have to be ‘grasped by the rational mind’). It is not our intention to ‘rob’ anyone of these gifts or insights as they are part of your expansion-process as a soul and we respect that. We can however offer an ‘energetic gateway’ to accelerate your exploration, by reflecting to you, more insights connected to your theme. We offer guidance without insistence or expectation. It is always up to you, to use the information given as you please, or to discard it.”
What are your booking terms & conditions?
Might you have any possible complaints
Dutch law, since January 1st, 2017, asks all healthcare providers in the Netherlands, to comply with requirements under the Care Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz). My practice complies with these requirements and offers assistance if you feel you might have any complaints. I am glad to say this has never been needed for anyone, but just in case;
Were you to be the first to find yourself with a complaint about the care/service provided directly from me to you – after having had personal contact with me – of course I would want this to be looked at in the most effective way possible.
Therefore, I warmly welcome you to feel free to share such situations with me. If for some reason, you do not feel comfortable contacting me directly, you can communicate your situation to the e-mail address of the NIBIG (below).*
* ‘NIBIG’ stands for: Nederlands Instituut ter Bevordering van Integrale Gezondheidszorg / Dutch Institute for the Promotion of Integrative Health Care. Please note; as different laws apply in different countries; this offer may not be applicable when your residency is outside of The Netherlands. If you are a Dutch citizen; this information will apply for you.
More information can be found via the NIBIG website.
Contact NIBIG’s complaints office at: klachten@nibig.nl
They will inform you about the possibilities and possible further procedure.
Questions regarding Payment
How can I pay? / Do you accept PayPal?
For people from outside of the EU PayPal will be the most common way of paying. During the booking process you will be able to pay with one click. Other options are Internet banking or paying cash if you like, when you visit me at my home-practice, for a live session.
Can I use IBAN to pay for my Skype session booking?
If you wish to book a Skype session but you have no PayPal account, please send me an email trough the contact page; letting me know what day and time you have chosen in the online agenda, and finish your reservation there as if it was a LIVE session (so right away – you click on Live instead of Skype session). Both in your e-mail to me directly, as well as in your reservation (in the booking form, there is a space for additional remarks); let me know that what you actually want is a Skype session.
Also: please add your Skype name, and the email address of your Skype account in this field so I can find you. I will then send you the needed preparation info for your Skype session by mail – and a IBAN-invoice for you to pre-pay your session.