

ET-Channeling, guided meditations, epic journeys and self-reflective exercises; Wieteke inspires people to (re)connect with their own multi-dimensionality and to bring these experiences ‘down to earth’ in a practical manner.

Due to her own well integrated and life-long experiences with multidimensional contact, Wieteke has been able to offer high-quality interstellar channeling sessions for many groups and thousands of individuals from all over the world. Learn more about Wieteke.

Arjun of the YahYel

As an interstellar channel, Wieteke primarily works with Arjun of the Yahyel.

Arjun functions as a gateway or bridge, to information from the Universe, interstellar cross-connections, parallel lives, guides and (always) the Higher Selves of clients. Learn more about Arjun.

“It is my passion to assist in building the bridge, between our many multi-dimensional facets, so that each can feel whole
and complete again.

As I know by heart, the integration of our connection to the stars – for many on earth now – contains an essential aspect of that Wholeness.”


Sessions in Amsterdam and internationally


Inner and outer exploration

It is her heartfelt passion to facilitate new doorways to  deepen our personal connection to the stars – in a love based and self-empowering way.

Returning ‘home’ within your Self

Grounding this information in our daily lives, accelerates our spiritual processes and increases our awareness of being connected to the Whole. It helps us discover our own unique talents and gifts for the world –  allowing us to feel more empowered and unconditionally loved along every step of the way.


test testimonial

Swim with Free Dolphins

Design4wareness Organised Travel

text about dolphin trip

link to events

“We speak to you from the heart

That place within you –

where Heaven meets Earth

This is why – for so many of you,

our energy feels like Home”

(Arjun of the YahYel)



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Aenean tristique eros eget facilisis pretium. Maecenas risus leo, maximus nec faucibus vitae, varius non elit. Nunc eget nibh eget felis tristique pretium. Duis sed condimentum neque.

Welcome to my blog 🙂 / Welkom op mijn blog

Dear readers, (NL below) On this blog I share: contact experiences, results people have had from their experiences with ET-healing, and direct messages that came forth from channeling the Yahyel in either auto-writing or from group sessions with Q and A. These...

Transformation Technique | Shift to a more preferred reality

Transformation Technique | Shift to a more preferred reality

Arjun of the YahYel | Visualization Technique for Confidence & Positive Transformation "We thank you - for tuning in with us - and we are rejoiced to speak with you again - in this way, at this moment of your time. Throughout the ages, it has been understood by...

Channeling Arjun on the subject of CHEATING

Channeling Arjun on the subject of CHEATING

Excerpt from a channeling for a person who found themselves in a money-scam with a (former) friend. A = Arjun   /  Q = Questioner   A: So what do you feel you have learned from this situation? Q: Well, mostly that this person cannot be trusted. And that I should...


Aenean tristique eros eget facilisis pretium. Maecenas risus leo, maximus nec faucibus vitae, varius non elit. Nunc eget nibh eget felis tristique pretium. Duis sed condimentum neque.

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