Pleiadian Light Language


Pleiadian Light Language is a vibranty colourful work that contains messages on many levels. A deep feeling of ease filled with childlike joy and curiousity is present in this work. Allow your eyes to wander over this canvas and discover new details each time you look at it again. For a longer description, please croll down.

7 + 15 =

SKU: PL-ORIG Category:

Pleiadian Light Language came to me in 2016, after a dream-download. I decided to start painting the next morning and felt such a sweet and reassuring guidance during the proces. It felt as if a soothing ray of sunlight was present with me in the room throughout the entire journey. The painting took me several days. I used crystals to build a type of grid around the canvas during the nights when the paint was drying, and thinned down the paints with a mixture of water and essencial oils. the vibration of this painting is high. The messages came in 2 days. the right bottom one came first - and the top left one followed later.

I have been told by the beings present during this creative process, not to fill in what these symbols mean for others - as we all take our own unique elements from these codes - when we need to & are truly ready to receive them. The symbols of the Light Language have been painted with a thin pencil using silver-paint. When you look at them from the side - they litterealy emit the light. The geometric shapes felt connected to different worlds and realities. I also felt Arcturian energy present to some degree. The thought of an orchestra came to me; only instead of notes - I was painting the sounds and vibrations in colours and shapes. This painting was such a joyful proces to allow to come through ❣️

I automatically begin to smile when I look at it. however, the time has come; after being in my home with me for all this time, and accompanying me during many eneregy-work sessions - it is now time for this original work to be adopted by a new keeper.

Please reach out through the contact form - if you wish to adopt this piece into your heart and home.

In gratitude,





Additional information



In Centimeters: 60/50/1,5 cm
In Inches: 23.62/19.68/0.59 inch


* Material: Acrylics
* Canvas: Linnen on a wooden frame
* The image has been painted all the way around the canvas-edges, no additional outside-frame needed


* Hanging: The canvas can 'rest' on a nail sticking out from the wall, with it's wooden framework (at the back).
We recommend simply placing the top segment of the frame 'over' the nail on your wall and moving it until it hangs centered/straight. Of course, if you wish you can attach another system on the back end of the canvas to hang it.



Your painting will be profesionally wrapped with a box from – offering a high level of security and protection to the work. These boxes are custom-made to fit the art-piece and include perfect-fit inside padding, surrounding the work from all sides. After unpacking – we recommend you store the box. This way you can always use it again when moving houses for instance – or if you ever wish to send the work to someone else.


To give you an indication of the shipping costs:

A small work (up to a maximum frame/work size of 53 x 70 x 6 cm, 135 x 178 x 15 Inch) sent from Amsterdam to New York may cost approximately € 250,- (handling and wrapping costs included).

Shipping a large work (Max frame/work size: 113 x 140 x 6 cm, 287 x 355 x 15 inch) – from Amsterdam to New York, may cost approximately € 550,-

Costs for shipment within the EU may fluctuate between € 165 (small work) and € 310 (large work).

Please note: prices mentioned above are an indication and do not include additional tax- or import costs that may be requested by certain countries.

If you happen to travel to The Netherlands or live nearby; you are always warmly welcome to come over and pick up the painting in person.

Exception: unfortunately, due to Australia's laws on importing wood, canvas-frames and paintings made on wood are not allowed to be shipped to Australia.

This is an Original

If you decide to adopt this work into your home, you will be receiving the original – meaning; it truly is a one-of-a-kind.
Nobody else will have the same work in their home and no stock of this item is available.

An orginal includes a tangible structure of the paint applied (visible direction of the brush strokes etc) and of course a deeply engrained energetic signature. More so, as these works have been kept lovingly in Wieteke's work-space, where atelier and channeling-sessions merge into one. in other words; a lot of energy work has been taking place in direct proximity of all of her works.


* Signing: At your request – this painting can be signed for you by Wieteke on the back.

Price and Payment

The prices for original paintings are in Euro's. To calculate the amount in other currencies, we recommend you use a currency-translator such as:

For the final price (including shipping costs) and transferring the amount, we request you contact us directly via the contact form offered to you on each product page. There is no option to reserve an art-piece or to pay online inside the webshop without making direct (e-mail) contact with us first.

Prices shown on the website exclude shipping costs. These costs will depend on the final destination of the work.
All works are shipped from Amsterdam / The Netherlands – directly from Wieteke's atelier/workspace.
For more information on the shipping costs – see the section called 'Shipping'

We kindly request payments for the original paintings be done by Internet banking.

For payments from outside of the EU, you may consider the low-threshold services of or (for instance) to transfer the amount in a safe manner & for lower rates than those of a regular bank.

Payment cannot (yet) be done in crypto.

Payment in cash can be discussed for smaller amounts and in euro's only.

All original works fall under a no-return policy.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly via the contact form on the product page.

Thank you so much for your interest and for your BEing Design4awareness & Team